Category Archives: Adventura

My Photographic Journey Continues…

Studio Session-008-Edit

My focus has changed once again.  I have started the new semester at school and am now very busy with class assignments and projects.  This term I’m taking a Studio/Portrait class where I hope to become friends with my on & off camera flashes as well as their cousins: the studio lights and strobes… much to learn!  The other class is Color Photography where I’ll not only learn some color theory but how to calibrate my computer monitor for best color printing.  Also will be getting lots of lessons on Lightroom and Photoshop.  This photo is one of three required that I might turn in tomorrow for the perception of color assignment.  Pink.  Doesn’t it just scream pink but in a sort of subtle way?  I think so.  I just love my Epiphanie camera bag.  Can you tell?  hahaha  Comments and critique greatly appreciated!


Filed under Discovery, photography

Playing with Polaroid Negatives

I call them polaroids because I shot the film with my Polaroid 220 Land Camera. But as Polaroid is no longer available I am using Fuji FP 100c instant peel apart film. With the first photo I posted last week I was happily amazed at how brilliant the color was. This photo here is not that great (other than the little boy who I adore is in it) but it gave me the opportunity to play a bit with it. The out of camera shot is the first one, next is the digitally scanned ‘negative’ and last is the Photoshop edit I did on the scan.


Scanned 'negative'

Photoshop scan

How did I get a negative????  The wonderful people at Freestyle Photo clued me in on how to get a negative from the film.  After taking the shot, waiting a couple minutes for it to develop I then peeled the print from the backing paper.  I let the paper/emulsion dry and then I taped  it emulsion side down on glass and sealed all edges.  Next I soaked a paper towel in chlorine bleach (Clorox) and wrung it out (wearing gloves) and laid it flat on the paperbacked  ‘negative.’  I waited 10 to 15 minutes before carefully wiping the bleached soaked paper.  The black paper came up easily.  I let the whole thing dry and when I removed it from the glass I had a color negative from the Fuji print.  Next I scanned it and finally did some editing in PS.  Of course the negative isn’t high quality and I’m sure there are blemishes on the negative.  For artistic and creative purpose I think it may find it’s way into my bag of tricks.

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Filed under Discovery, photography

Polaroid 220 Land Camera and it Works!

Sunset Blvd, Hollywood, CA
Polaroid 220 Land Camera

Woke up to a beautiful sunny southern California Saturday with no real plans for the day.  So, we had our morning coffee and then headed out to Los Angeles for the day.  Our first stop was Freestyle Photo to pick up some supplies.  Last month I bought a Polaroid 220 Land Camera off ebay for $24, free shipping.  I’ve been wanting to test it out but film for it is not so easy to find.  Freestyle had the battery I needed and Fuji instant film.  This is the first photo from the film pack taken just outside the store on Sunset Blvd.  I can’t wait to plan a photo day with my ‘new’ vintage camera!

From there we headed to the Fashion Garment District where I had a shopping spree at Michael Levine Fabrics.  Oh, I’m going to make lots more aprons!  Our last stop was for drinks to help wind down our day.  Great fun today!

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Filed under Adventura, arte, Discovery, photography

Scanning Negatives

Albuquerque, NM

Yesterday I went to visit my friends at the college photo department.  The darkroom was busy with students enrolled in the winter session learning analog photography and printing.  I took my negatives from the roll of Kodak Ektar 100 that I shot in Albuquerque, NM last month.  The TA for the department is always so helpful and taught me how to scan my negatives using the high end scanners at the college.  I came home to play with the files and was quickly dismayed at how they looked…..a very ‘blue’ cast to the scans.  I tried to ‘fix’ it but was not happy with my results.  I then did a little searching/researching on the internet and found a Photoshop tutorial that explained why they looked like this and where to start my editing of the scans.  So much to learn!!! But I ended up happy with both of these photographs.  I hope you like them too.

Albuquerque, NM

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Filed under arte, Discovery, photography

Childhood Memories of Crystal Cove and a sketch

Crystal Cove 12

After weeks of a wonderfully mild summer, the heat slammed us yesterday with temperatures of 108 and high humidity. There was no option but to pack up, stop for picnic supplies and head to the beach.

When I was a little girl my dad would take us to Treasure Cove several times over the summer. The whole area is now Crystal Cove State Park, but in those days it was just a horse ranch on the cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean along the Orange County coast. My dad would wake us before daybreak announcing to all that it was a beach day and get ready: which meant put on your bathing suit, your Keds and get into the big green Buick. We’d arrive just as light was dawning where my dad would jump out and unlatch the gate into the ranch and drive in to a small parking area. Years later there was a bucket at the gate and he would deposit a dollar for the parking. Many times hands were out with the horses and would wave hello as we kicked up dust along the dirt road. The road is paved now, the ranch and horses gone. Yesterday it cost us $15 for day parking.

Getting down to the beach was a big ordeal which usually included tears. My dad would carry my little sister and brother while my other sister and I followed along behind him on the steep narrow trail. I don’t remember how my mother got down there. I was too scared to pay attention as to how she got down. My parents, and I, didn’t know then that because I only had vision in one eye, the climb down was treacherous as I couldn’t (and still can’t) judge depth perception. Most of my climb down was on my butt and in tears. Now there are stairs and handrails to guide us down.

Once on the beach my dad would prepare us a feast. He’d hand us a warm tortilla filled with eggs, beans and chorizo while my mother poured us milk or juice. Once our bellies were full and we’d warmed up, off came our sweaters and Keds and into the ocean we ran. I remember only coming out for lunch or to explore the tide pools at low tide. This was OUR special beach and when we’d run into family friends there I always felt as they had come to visit us at the beach. It didn’t occur to me that they might be there just to enjoy the beach for themselves!

Our last family outings there were in my teen years where it became more important to be wearing the cutest bikini and eyeing the cute boys on the beach. In those days I would set my towel far away from my family and turn up my transistor radio to the most popular station on the AM dial. It was a pink radio…so cute.

Yesterday Rudy and I went down for the evening. We splashed in the surf and walked along the beach. We watched the sun go down while eating a luscious dessert of cheesecake with cherry topping. It is still my beach and I can still see my family there on the beach. I see my dad blowing up surf riders for us kids and my mom under her big hat and umbrella. I see my sister and I up on top the big rocks getting our sneakers soaked. I see the red coleman cooler box with our lunch and the little grill where my dad fixed our morning breakfast and evening hot dogs. And on the cliffs above I see the little girl I was; clinging to the rock cliff as she makes her way down. It was a beautiful evening.

crystal cove

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Filed under Adventura, arte, Discovery, photography, sketch, Travel, watercolor

Art Weekend Captured in Artist Journal

My dear friend Dianne (Desireé) invited me to tag along with her to Long Beach this past weekend. She was going to be busy with a quilt show so I had lots of time to myself. On the way there we stopped in Laguna Beach for the Sawdust and Arts festivals where we sat at an outdoor booth to do a monoprint. I had a wonderful weekend and am blessed to have such a good friend. Thanks again for dragging me along!

Laguna Beach Arts Festival




Scan 2Scan

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Filed under Adventura, arte, Discovery, other, sketch, Travel, watercolor


Eureka Lemon 2

My creative soul ebbs and flows in no particular fashion.  I might spend months exploring a new medium or just hours.  I will let a passion sleep while a new one awakens in me.  So goes it now.  I’ve cleared out the sewing nook and filled it with my watercolors and papers.  Happily I find myself re-discovering the fluid properties of watercolor on paper and pallet.

Along the way it’s little things that inspire me to move in new directions.  It might be something I see or read about.   It could be the colors I see on a pineapple sitting on my countertop.  How do I make the colors sing like that on paper?  Traveling always inspires me.  I am constantly  hoping to capture the essence of what I see with a camera or paintbrush.

I saw a post last week about Cathy Johnson’s new book Artist’s Journal Workshop being available as an e book.  I wasn’t sure about an art book read on the computer but I was delighted to find that I could read it easily and see all the beautiful images included.  Along with my current explorations into watercolor and the desire to put some of Cathy’s ideas into action, I made a new watercolor sketchbook filled with 140# cp Kilimanjaro paper from Cheap Joe’s art supply and Ingres antique camel brown paper.

This first entry into the artist journal is my ‘get over the first page’ jitters sketch.  I picked a loved and familiar subject and gathered my art supplies to sit under it’s shade while I played this morning.  Enjoying the journey!

Eureka Lemon


Filed under arte, Discovery, sketch, watercolor

Summer Road Trip: day 2

stonycreek - Version 3

Stony Creek

On our second day of our road trip adventure we awoke to sunlight filtering through the towering trees.  We were soon up brewing a pot of perked coffee on the camp stove and planning our strategy for the day.

July 2011 180

Stony Creek Campground

We were pleasantly surprised to find crowds had dwindled with many leaving the park to head home for the 4th of July.  We took an early morning walk to see the grove of tall trees where the General Sherman Sequoia is found.  We were treated to two bear sightings this morning also: a baby cub and later to a big bear that had to be frightened off by a ranger firing pellets from his rifle.

We managed a moderate hike up Moro Rock after a picnic lunch.  A climb of over 400 steps along with quite an elevation gain; we were rewarded with magnificent  views at the top!  What struck me most about today were all the languages I heard today.  It seemed that all Americans (except us) had left to celebrate elsewhere and left the park sparse except for the trees, the bears and the foreign tourists.  It was wonderful.

To be continued……

hdrMoroRock (1 of 1)

View from Moro Rock, Sequoia NP

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Filed under Adventura, arte, photography, sketch, Travel, watercolor

A Summer Road Trip: day 1

sketch_NP01 - Version 2

Grant's Grove meadow

On July 3, 2011 Rudy and I gathered our camping gear and left our home before daybreak to start a camping/road trip.  No real plans for where to go but a general idea of what we wanted to do and see.

Our first day we headed north and ended up in Sequoia National Park.  Thinking we’d have no problem getting a campsite.  Were we wrong!  Being a holiday weekend all campsites were full.  The park was so congested we were sorry we picked it as our first stop.  We headed out of the park and into the national forest where we found that last site at a federal campground.  It was perfect; being nestled up against the rocks and across a creek.  We didn’t mind having to jump stones in the creek to get our gear across.  After settling in we drove into King’s Canyon National Park where we enjoyed a nice dinner that evening.  Then we took a nice walk around the meadow where I sketched this scene.

To be continued……

Sequoia National Park.....Peace people :)

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Filed under Adventura, arte, photography, sketch, watercolor

The Photographic Arts


At the Dog Beach with Lola

Up  until a few months ago, the process of producing a film photograph was a mystery to me.  Since I was a young girl I had a strong desire to learn photography.  I never took a class because I knew the expense of a camera and supplies were more than my family could afford.  Instead the decades passed taking pictures of my kids, family and trips with various film cameras.  When digital photography came about, my world began to open.  It wasn’t until early this year that I finally took my first photography class.  We were required to shoot ‘old school’ with a film camera; learning how to develop the film and print from negatives.  I fell in love with the process.

You must understand where I was coming from.  Before that class I thought that the negative was in the roll of film.  I didn’t realize that you had to develop the film!  I realized I could bring my creativity into the darkroom.  I learned that by manipulating light and time I could produce a unique photograph.  With some supplies and help from my teachers I set up my own darkroom in the hall bathroom.  Taking photographs and then creating in the darkroom has become a new artistic media for me and one that I am finding very satisfying.   When I am working in there it is the same ‘zen’ as when I am painting.  Today I loved losing myself in the photographic arts.

Above is photograph of my Amy and her new puppy Lola at Del Mar’s dog beach near San Diego, CA.  Lola loved her first beach outing!

Below are photographs from our recent trip to Yosemite National Park.

Yosemite film photography 1

Upper and Lower Yosemite Falls

Yosemite film photography 2

Last Light in Cook's Meadow


Yosemite film photography 3

The Grizzly Giant


Yosemite film photography 4

Days End: Half Dome


Filed under Adventura, arte, Discovery, photography